In our breeding we use only proven genetic bonds of cats, which produce healthy and quality offspring.
As for the Donskoy sphynx breed, for example, we have studied this breed for many years, we have experienced both mistakes and victories, but the most important thing is that currently our cat family is built in such a way that there is not a single “weak link” is found.
All females (cats) are large, strong, they give litters without defects. The breeding cat (our boy) that is used for our breeding is intended only for our cats, exclusively in closed breeding.We do not provide our cat to other catteries for crossing with their cats.
Because of this, many breeders do not like us.
Because of this, many breeders do not like us.
We managed to strengthen not only the good health of the animals, but also the incredibly rare colors of this breed. We were looking for our cats all over the world and the result surpassed itself. The colors of our cats are truly exclusive. Among other advantages, the Don Sphynx breed has a good healthy heart, and therefore representatives of this breed rarely encounter heart problems, compared to their hairless counterparts of other breeds.
Also, not unimportantly, we have strengthened the intellect and each new kitten is a real evolution of this cat type. Cats that give weak and insufficiently clever offspring will simply stop participating in breeding activities.
We keep animals for happiness and love. The animal should please its owner, bring tenderness, sincerity, laughter, joy to the family, so in addition to genetic advantages, we raise our “children” so that they are fully prepared for a new family.
Only genetics are responsible for the kitten’s temperament, it cannot be changed. The breeder is responsible for the kitten’s behavior, habits and good manners.
That is why we are obliged to do our job one hundred percent, it is not just a job and a hobby for us, it is our life.
We see great meaning in our work – to give true love to people who need it.